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Are you looking for a Call Center for your Whale Watching Company?
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GoDo’s Call Center for Whale Watching Companies

Our Call Center is built from the ground up for companies like Whale Watching Companies. After all, some of the largest in the USA work with us.

Here at GoDo we offer Call Center services to all of our clients. Not everyone who uses GoDo’s Tour Operator Software decides to use our Call Center. For the ones that do, they find it a lifesaver! Being able to get all of those hours back and make sure they’re not missing any sales calls is the main reason companies decide to use our Call Center.

There are many reasons you should consider using a Call Center for your Whale Watching Company. In this article, we’re going to go over some of the problems that are solved when you choose to use a Call Center.

Stop missing Sales Calls

This is especially true for companies like Whale Watching Companies. If you’re a few miles from shore how are you answering your sales calls? Sure, you can spend a lot of money and build out your own Call Center. Why do that though, when you can instantly and affordably use the professionals at GoDo?

We all know how competitive the Whale Watching industry is. Many times you and your competitors are sharing the same general location to operate out of. It is well known that people won’t keep calling back if you don’t answer. They’ll simply call one of your competitors and give their money to someone other than you. Surely, you’re not okay with that.

By using our Call Center you won’t miss any sales calls. We answer the phones for 17 hours per day – and we are staffed to handle any call volume. Whether you received 5 calls per day, or 500, GoDo has the capabilities to take great care of your company.

Spend more time growing your Company

When you’re a Whale Watching tour operator your time is incredibly important. Wouldn’t you rather be spending your time growing your company, or out on the water (we know we would)? When you alleviate the need to be tied to your phone you can use that time to be doing things that nobody else can do for your company.

Save Money

GoDo’s Call Center is a very cost-effective way of providing sales and customer support. We only charge a nominal fee when we make a sale for you – and all customer support calls are handled for free.

If you’re currently paying to staff your own Call Center we can show you how switching your calls to GoDo can save you thousands of dollars per month.

Enjoy your life

We’ve all been there. I remember, in the early days of my tour company, always being interrupted at dinner time, or while I was trying to spend quality time with my daughters. It was annoying and frustrating – I needed the money, ignoring the calls were not an option. However, seeing the disappointment on my Daughters’ faces when ‘Dad has to take another phone call’ stuck with me.

When you allow GoDo to handle your sales and customer support calls it keeps you free to enjoy your day without the constant interruption of phone call after phone call.

You can only do so much

A common issue we see in smaller Whale Watching Companies, and some larger ones is an owner who feels they need to handle everything, especially if it saves them a few dollars. However, being honest, are you the best person to be doing all of these tasks? Could someone do it better, allowing you to spend time on the things you are really great at?

When GoDo is your go-to call center, you’re free to spend your time on the tasks which you are really good at, and will help grow your Whale Watching company. You cannot be afraid to allow someone else to step in and ‘have your back’. We often see this with web design too. Owners of small companies will feel like they need to build their own website to save some money – and end up costing their company greatly when one of their competitors hires a professional and takes all of their business.

Choose when GoDo answers your calls

The way our Call Center works, you can selectively choose when GoDo’s Agents will answer your calls. If you’re bored one day, simply un-forward your calls and they’ll start coming right to you. When you’re wanting some quiet time, or need to spend a few hours on a project, or give a tour, simply forward your calls back to GoDo. It is that simple!

An ideal solution for Whale Watching companies (if you don’t want us to handle your calls all of the time) is to simply forward your calls to GoDo’s call center while you’re on the water. You can relax, knowing you’re not missing any sales, while showing your guests the beauty of our oceans.

In Closing

Our Call Center was created to address the need of companies who simply couldn’t afford, or didn’t have the time, to staff a call center. We think that almost every company would greatly benefit from our Call Center.

For more information about our Call Center, or anything else about GoDo, simply head to our contact page and get in touch!