
Get your business to the new heights in no time. It’s super easy with GoDo.

 >  > Nathan Donolli
Nathan Donolli, Senior Developer at Ally

Nathan Donolli

Sr. Developer

Nathan is always working to improve GoDo in a never-ending quest to create the perfect user experience for our clients. A software developer at heart, he enjoys meticulously working close to the metal and solving complex problems, but has the ultimate goal of creating amazing technology that is easy to use. He identifies with GoDo’s passion for putting people first, and uses this passion to always move towards the next level of simplicity.

In addition to GoDo, he works with kids and adults alike educating them about computer programming and the cool things you can do with it. He has prior experience working with a variety of clients and using multiple languages, which he uses both at work and in the classroom. He loves learning and thinks that we never stop being students.

He lives in New Orleans with his girlfriend where they eat far too much and abuse their air conditioner. Occasionally he plays music with his friends, then listens to other people play once his fingers start to hurt. He has two cats and they won’t get off his laptop.